Calling all authors!
We love reading. And we love authors. Each and every one of us at Greenstream Publishing is a successful published author, several of us with number one best sellers to our name (many of them published through other publishers). So we know what it takes to become a successful author and what is needed to create a successful book.
Right now, we're looking for special authors who are writing books that fit one of our niche markets: green technology or writer support. We're also looking out for books on business.
By Green Technology, we're talking about books about aspects the environment, particularly those that approach it from a technology perspective, or talking about new technology that has a significant role to play in a greener future.
Writer Support books are publications to assist and guide writers and authors, either inspiring them
to write, or to help them get their books published or how to market and promote themselves as authors.
We publish books that educate, inform, excite and enthuse. They sell across the world and are regularly selected by Universities as required reading material for degree level students. It's important that the books assume no previous knowledge, that they are easy to read and enthuse the reader as well as inform.
Unlike most publishers, we won't just print a book and hope that it sells. We'll identify its market and help you tailor the content of your book to best fit the target audience. Once we publish, we'll promote and market your book, not just for a couple of weeks, but constantly, doing our best to ensure that your book establishes its market and sells for years to come.
If you have a book that you think won't quite fit what we're looking for, don't let that put you off. Drop us a line. We're always open to new ideas, so give us a try.
So if you have a book, or an idea for a book that you think might interest us, get in touch. Send us a synopsis, or the first chapter or two and we'll take a look. We promise to read what you send us and get back to you quickly, usually in just a few days.

What about fiction or poetry?
We currently are not publishing new works that do not fit our niche markets. But we will be soon. We have some exciting plans for the second half of 2015, particularly for authors of fiction and poetry based in and around Coventry or Warwickshire. We'll be setting up a new imprint for publishing fiction and poetry ourselves and working with other publishers to ensure new authors get the right publishing partner for their work.
We're also working on setting up a new local area distribution network of retail outlets to ensure that local authors have the best possible chance to establish themselves and build their future writing career.
We are not accepting submissions just yet, but if you are a local author and looking for a publisher, feel free to get in touch and introduce yourself.

Why choose Greenstream Publishing?
We're not self publishers. Nor are we vanity publishers. We are a specialist publishing house with technical editors and proof-readers, top distribution channels and a specialist marketing team that can promote your book around the world. We have our own in house software developer capable of creating added value for your book with apps, web sites and other technology services. We will make your book unique, and do more to promote your book than virtually any other publisher.
We choose to publish only a very small number of books each year. Why? Because we won't do half the job. By selecting only a few books to publish, we can focus on promoting your book and doing everything possible to ensure your success.
If you are comparing our services to self publishing companies, remember you get none of this added value from them. The amount of revenue you earn per book from a self publishing company may be higher, but it is your responsibility to format the book, get it proof-read, edited and promoted. It's a sobering fact that over 98% of all self-published books end up selling less than one hundred copies in total. Many only ever get sold to friends and family.
Greenstream Publishing books are sold all around the world. Some of our titles have been translated into other languages. Our books are used in universities and educational establishments in both Europe and the United States. Our authors regularly get booked for slots on television and radio. It's not surprising that many of our titles become best sellers: our solar energy title has been the world's number one title in energy since 2009, selling tens of thousands of copies every single year, whilst our series of electric car guides are also the number one best selling titles in their field.

- (+44) 0843 886 9586
- info@greenstreampublishing.com
5 Palmer House
Palmer Lane
United Kingdom
Getting in touch and next steps
First of all, get in touch with us. You can call us up on the phone or drop us an e-mail. Introduce yourself, tell us what you are doing and what you want from us. If you have a synopsis of your work, or have the first couple of chapters, send them over via e-mail. We'll promise to take a look at whatever you send us.
Once we've read through what you have sent to us, we'll give some initial feedback, including our thoughts on publishing options. If we think the book has potential and is within our target market, we'll then invite you to come to meet us in our offices in Coventry. Then we can discuss about publishing your book, agreeing some timescales, creating a marketing plan and putting a publishing contract in place.
Getting your book published is exciting, difficult, enjoyable and hard work in equal measures. Ultimately, when you can hold a copy of your book in your hands and when it goes on sale, the sense of achievement makes everything worthwhile. It is an incredible feeling. It doesn't matter if this is your first book or your fifty-first, that same feeling of elation and joy is still there. It never diminishes.
So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and give us a call...